Monday, January 28, 2013

And so it begins...

So as much fun as I am having creating my bucket list, (and stealing ideas from friend's lists) creating a bucket list is no fun if you don't actually DO any of the things on your list.  Recently I've been lucky enough to become closer to someone I have known for a while, an amazing person, who also believes like I do that life without experiences isn't really much of a life.  So I am lucky enough to have someone who I can drag around to do things on our lists,  which is good, because her list is so much better than mine!  So it was with that sense of "lets just go do something" that we set out for Chicago on a day off.  Now let me explain something about my personality, I'm sort of a planner.  I say sort of because I'm really good with coming up with the grand idea of what to do, but where I lose focus is in the details.  This is because even though I am a bit of a planner, I'm like to be spontaneous and fly by the seat of my pants more often than not.  So anyway the original plan was to go into the city, go ice skating in Grant Park, do the Sears Tower (sorry, Willis Tower) skydeck, and then kinda see what happens from there.  Well anyway like most of my plans, things went to shit pretty quickly, as that morning I checked the weather and saw that it was freezing cold and windy out.  Cancel ice skating.  Time to scramble to come up with Plan B.  Ok...not a problem still can do the skydeck, and that will buy me time to come up with what to do after that.  So we head out, then I start to notice, it's really kinda cloudy and hazy out...I start to get that "oh crap" panic moment thinking this day that I planned and had been looking forward to was starting to go down the drain.  Anyway we get into the city and I see the cloud cover isn't too low to obscure the building tops so we decide to go to the skydeck, even thought the views wouldn't be that great, it was still something I wanted to do.  Now, I have a slight...ok, pretty severe fear of heights, but after a slight hesitation I stepped out into the clear cube and looked straight down 1,353 feet (103 floors.) Item #3 on my list, CHECK!

#3. Stand in the glass balcony in the Sears tower

1 comment:

  1. Very awesome you found someone to pursue your bucket list items with! Looks very fun :)
