Monday, March 4, 2013

Check some more off the list!!

To say that I had an amazing weekend would be and understatement.  Saturday I took my girlfriend to see Blue Man Group (something on her bucket list) and even though I had seen the show a long time ago, they have changed so much of it that it was basically a new show for me as well.  If you haven't seen Blue Man Group it is something that cannot be described and must be seen to fully appreciate.  Part rock concert, part comedy show, part God knows what, but it is a great time.

Once Sunday rolled around we seemed to be at a loss for things to do, as it was a pretty nice day and we wanted to take advantage of it.  So we began pouring over our respective bucket lists to find something we could do.  I quickly realized that my list needs some work.  It seems my list is made up of some pretty big adventures or revolve around eating and drinking.  I think I need to add some smaller things that can be done spontaneously and fairly easily.

Anyway, Jessi and I started thinking that we both have "try absinthe" on our bucket lists.  Ironically Jessi has an unopened bottle, that we have been meaning to try for some time (we even dragged it with us when we stayed at the Hard Rock downtown Chicago, but never opened it.)  For those who don't know absinthe is an anise flavored alcohol that was popular in the late 19th century.  At the time it was believe to have psychoactive properties and was eventually banned in the United States and much of Europe by 1915.  By the late 1990's the rumors of any psychoactive effects from absinthe were proved false and it was once again made legal.  So anyway, we decide that it was time for a little day drinking and we should finally try the absinthe.  Now absinthe is not simply drank straight from a bottle, as there is preparation ritual that needs to be done, as straight absinthe is very strong.  The ritual consists of setting a sugar cube on a slotted spoon over a glass and soaking it the absinthe, lighting it on fire then slowly pouring ice water over the sugar, effectively mixing the absinthe, sugar and water.

  So after following the directions to the letter we finally had a drink ready to go and Jessi and I were finally able to try absinthe.  As I took a sip the first thing I noticed was the smell of black licorice (duhh anise flavored) but for those who associate black licorice with Jagermeister, this is much better as the flavor, while strong is also strangely subtle.  All in all pretty damn good, but you could tell it has a high alcohol content.

#13 Try Absinthe

After trying the basic, traditional absinthe it was time to make a mixed drink with it, and thanks to the website we found a drink called the AWOL which had melon liquor, sour mix, lemonaid and absinthe, and hot damn was that good!  And with that, we both checked something off our lists.

But we weren't done checking things off our bucket lists just yet.  Jessi was aware that I had listed eat at someplace I saw on the Food Network on my list so she brought up a place near us had been featured on Diner's Drive-In's and Dives.  Unfortunately I missed that particular episode, but thank goodness for YouTube!  So after watching a quick clip, off we were to The Shanty in Wadsworth.  Now after watching the clip from the Food Network I knew that despite outward appearances this was not some crappy  burger joint and they were actually making some amazing and surprising food.  One of the things featured on the show was a dish called Whiskey Shrimp.  Basically it's saute'd shrimp in this garlic cream sauce with Jack Daniel's thrown in for good measure.  This was a must try for me (just throw some whiskey in it and I will eat it!)  Also on the menu was deep fried alligator tail, which although I've already tried gator in the past, it was so long ago I had to try it, not to mention it was on Jessi's bucket list.
After looking over the menu and already deciding to return, as there were numerous dishes that we wanted to try, Jessi and I settled on the Whiskey Shrimp appetizer and the alligator tail appetizer.  Oh, yeah we also tried the soup of the day...Macaroni and Cheese w/ peas.  Sounds strange right...maybe so, but it was fantastic! 
Mac & Cheese Soup
Shortly thereafter we received our dishes and the Whiskey Shrimp was everything I hoped it would be! The sauce was garlicky, but not overpowering and whatever else they through in it was perfect.  Now on to the alligator.  First of all the portion size was quite large for an appetizer and is more than enough for two.  The actual alligator was also quite good and came in a fantastic light breading.  What does alligator taste like you might ask...good question.  It is tough to describe, not fishy or anything like that, and unlike a lot of strange foods it did not taste like chicken.  It actually has a very light and delicate flavor, so if you get the opportunity...go for it!  
Whiskey Shrimp
Deep Fried Alligator
So with that I crossed another item off my list.  All in all between the two of us, we crossed a total of five things of our lists.  Not bad for a weekend.  Not to mention that I spent the whole weekend with my girlfriend which always puts a smile on my face.

#15 Eat at someplace I saw on the Food network, preferably Diners / Drive in’s and Dives

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 12

Favorite band and why?

Music has always been a huge part of my life.  I'm one of those people who constantly has music going as I go about my daily life.  I've also got pretty diverse musical tastes.  I mainly listen to alternative and rock music, but I will add a bit of country and pop as well.  My iPod is pretty funny to look at because of these diverse tastes. Consequently I've got dozens of favorite bands, and I tend to go in cycles and listen almost exclusively to a band for a while, then move on to others but I always come back to my favorites.  Right now I'd have to say my favorite band is The Airborne Toxic Event.  I found this band mostly by accident, although I always like their first single "Sometime Around Midnight" when it first came out a few years ago.  I didn't look too further after that single came out but about 8 months ago I was sitting at my computer doing God knows what, and I had Pandora playing in the background when an Airborne song came on.  I didn't even know who it was but once I heard it I was hooked.  I spent the rest of the night listening to their songs and viewing live videos of them on YouTube.

I noticed two things about this band.  First of all their lyrics were amazing! This was the first time in a while that I discovered a band that the lyrics were so powerful and profound that I found myself relating to them.  Secondly, I noticed while watching the live concert videos and interviews with the band, that this was a band that didn't take themselves too seriously and it was apparent that they were having the greatest time in the world making music.  All too often bands forget how lucky they are to be doing what they are doing.  The Airborne Toxic Event is a band that you just want to hang out with and grab a drink with, and apparently they do exactly that with fans after shows.  So to anyone reading this, check them out you won't be disappointed.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge - Day 11

What are your pet peeves?

This could be a seriously long list!  Anyone who knows me would probably agree that I'm not, shall we say, the most patient person.  There are dozens of little things that annoy me, but I always (try to) keep in mind that they are little things and not worth getting upset over.  That being said however, these are a few of the little things in life that piss me off!

  • People who drive under the speed limit
  • Rude people
  • People who invade my personal space
  • Loud talkers in public
  • Parents who can't control their kids
  • Bad tattoos on people
  • Folding laundry (I HATE doing this)
  • People who don't pay attention while driving
  • Snobby people who think the world owes them something
  • Guys with their pants hanging off their ass
  • Fat, lazy, arrogant, and rude police officers who think they are the shit
  • Running out of something
  • People who order coffee for the whole office in the drive-thru lane at Starbuck's
  • Having to explain myself over and over because the person I'm talking to is too stupid to understand
  • Traffic
  • Walking into a spiderweb with my face
  • People who don't wash their hands after using the restroom
  • When every preset radio station on my car stereo has a commercial at the same time
  • Guys in skinny jeans
  • People who leave their dog in the car on a hot day and think it's ok because the "windows are down" 2 inches
Believe me the list goes on, but that's all that came to mind, but I'm sure I'll add to this list as time goes on!