Wednesday, February 13, 2013

More Bucket List items checked off!

I've always been intrigued by strange foods, as long as they are just odd, not gross!  So one of the things I've heard of was chocolate covered bacon.  Seriously this one should not even be considered strange or odd...I mean it's bacon and chocolate! Two of the most awesome things you can eat, and they are together.  So my girlfriend, who has tried this before decided to get me some bacon chocolate for my birthday along with an extra surprise of beef jerky chocolate.  Ok that one seems a little odd.

95. Eat chocolate covered bacon
96. Eat chocolate covered beef jerky

So last week Jessi asked me if I had tried either one yet, I told her I had not and that part of the fun of having a bucket list was doing the things on them with someone else, even if she had already tried both of these before.  With that said I decided that was the night for me to try these creations.  So I started with the beef jerky chocolate first.  Now I was expecting a hunk of beef jerky covered with chocolate, not so much to my relief.  It was actually a chocolate bar with beef jerky flavoring in it.  I'm not sure if there were little tiny pieces of jerky in the chocolate, but there were little crunchy, slightly salty pieces, so I'm assuming this was the jerky.  Very interesting taste sensation, I have to admit, because this may sound really stupid, but it tasted like a beef jerky flavored chocolate bar.  It tasted exactly like, and nothing like I expected all at the same time.  Strange thing it was actually kind of good, in a strange and interesting way.

Then we moved on to the bacon chocolate.  Again I think I was expecting a strip of crispy delicious bacon covered in chocolate, although this time to my disappointment this was not to be as it was just like the jerky chocolate, a chocolate bar with bits of crispy bacon in it.  Here is the difference though...the bacon chocolate was AWESOME!  Perfect mix of sweet and salty and come on, it's BACON! 

Bottom line is I highly recommend the bacon chocolate, and although it is not something I would buy again, you still should try the jerky chocolate, just for the hell of it!

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